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Turn Wiki

Turn timeline 4-1

Season 4 Timeline (events in green occured in Season 4) Courtesy of TURN to a Historian


Tippling House: An establishment where alcohol is served

Antifogmatic : An alcoholic drink taken in the morning to brace oneself before going out into bad weather. [1]

Camp Follower: a civilian who works in or is attached to a military camp [2]

Cheval de Frisse: Frisian Horse, employed originally by the Dutch as an anti-cavalry measure. In the modern world, there is a similar structure called an anti-tank trap.

Forlorn Hope: Volunteers who were able to withstand the first wave of enemy attacks, would be guaranteed cash bonuses, personal advancements and other benefits.
Fougasse: landmine, originally referred to a type of bread, and the term may refer to the general shape of the device

Tippling House: An establishment where alcohol is served

Upper Canada: Is an allusion to the territory's proximity to the headwaters of St Lawrence river), now known as Southern Ontario.


  • Guy Fawkes, was a Catholic, who is most well-known for trying, yet failed, to blow up the Parliament Building, otherwise known as the gun-powder plot.
  • Evacuation day, day when British troops withdrew from New York City occurred on November 25, 1783.
  • Lord Smallpox, is a nickname for Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst Former Governor General of the Province of Quebec. So named for providing aboriginal or native americans with blankets infected with smallpox
  • Battle of Saratoga was actually two battles which occurred in the months of September and October in the year 1777. The reason for American intervention was to stop the flow of British troops from Canada. The outcome of which was that the British General Burgoyne surrendered to the American General Gates.
  • Battle of Yorktown took place between September 29 – October 19, 1781.
  • Battle of Bladensburg was a conflict that occurred during the War of 1812.

    Battle of Bladensburg

    The British were seeking vengeance for the the razing of York, modern-day Toronto. The Americans believed they were fighting over the the impressment or enslavement of American sailors and free-trade with France and other countries. The English in turn try to destroy major American cities, and Bladensburg, served as a beachhead which would allow British troops entrée to Washington DC. The British wanted to resign from the war due to exhaustion, and being overextended in other costly theatres of operation. See the Washington Post for more information or the National Park Service or American Historama for a summary.


